承担科研项目: 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、科技部国家重点研发计划项目的子任务,2021.01-2023.12。 参与国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目。 成果: 2017年,世界首次利用机器人操作得到克隆动物。 2022年,世界首次通过自动化流程得到克隆动物。 获奖: 1. 2022年天津市技术发明特等奖,“活体细胞精准操作机器人技术及系统”,获奖人:赵新,孙明竹,刘曜玮,赵启立,崔茂盛,卢桂章 2. 2018年、2023年中国智能制造十大科技进展,获奖人:赵新,孙明竹,刘曜玮,崔茂盛,赵启立 3. 2022年天津市专利优秀奖,“一种去核量的测量方法”,获奖人:赵新,冯泽阳,刘曜玮,孙明竹,崔茂盛 4. 2021年IEEE TASE最佳应用论文,“Robotic Batch Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Based on Microfluidic Groove”,获奖人:刘曜玮,王雪锋,赵启立,孙明竹,赵新 5. 2022年第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛全国金奖,获奖人:刘曜玮,王一雯,邱金禹,张艺荻,李明慧,王祖琦,李杰,左晓莹,王粲 6. 2021年888.3net新浦京游戏优秀博士学位论文,“基于细胞内应变评估的机器人化核移植操作方法研究”,888.3net新浦京游戏,获奖人:刘曜玮 7. 2022年FLINS最佳学生论文,Best Student Paper of The 15th International FLINS Conference on Machine learning, Multi agent and Cyber physical systems,获奖人:王祖琦,赵相飞,赵新,刘曜玮(指导教师) 8. 中国微米纳米技术学会2021年学术年会优秀论文奖,获奖人:刘曜玮,崔茂盛,张艺荻,赵相飞,孙明竹,赵新
授权专利: 1. 赵启立,刘曜玮,赵新,孙明竹,崔茂盛,一种机器人化测细胞弹性的方法, 发明专利,2020.5.26, 中国, ZL201910448638.4 2. 赵新,刘曜玮,张天航,孙明竹,赵启立,崔茂盛,基于生长域的微管内增量式细胞质速度场检测方法,发明专利,2020.7.29,中国,ZL202010740702.9 3. 赵新,冯泽阳,刘曜玮,孙明竹,崔茂盛,一种去核量的测量方法,发明专利,2020.10.30,中国,ZL201711105576.4 4. 赵新,冯泽阳,刘曜玮,孙明竹,崔茂盛,基于增强现实的定点去核方法,发明专利,2021.6.1,中国,ZL201711104642.6 5. 赵新,刘曜玮,冯泽阳,孙明竹,崔茂盛,一种最佳去核压强的确定方法, 发明专利,2021.7.31, 中国, ZL201811282193.9 6. 孙明竹,刘曜玮,赵新,王雪锋,赵启立,崔茂盛,一种基于微流道的机器人化体细胞核移植方法, 发明专利,2022.9.30, 中国, ZL201910449314.2
近期5年发表论文 [1] Yaowei Liu, Xuefeng Wang, Qili Zhao, Xin Zhao, Mingzhu Sun*, Robotic Batch Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Based on Microfluidic Groove, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2020, 17(4): 2097 - 2106. (IEEE TASE年度最佳应用论文)第一作者 [2] Yidi Zhang , Yumeng Sun , Shan Guo , Maosheng Cui , Xiangfei Zhao , Qili Zhao , Mingzhu Sun , Xin Zhao , Yaowei Liu*, Mechanical Force Estimation Based on Visual Cell Deformation and Improved Point-Load Model, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-9, 2022, 10.1109/TIM.2022.3224514,通讯作者 [3] Mingzhu Sun#, Yaowei Liu#, Maosheng Cui, Qili Zhao, Xiangfei Zhao, Yidi Zhang, Jingjing Huang, Guizhang Lu, Xin Zhao*, Intracellular strain evaluation-based oocyte enucleation and its application in robotic cloning, Engineering, 2022,doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2022.04.016,(中国工程院院刊封面论文)并列第一作者 [4] Liu Yaowei and Li Lu and Gong Huiying and Li Ke and Zhao Qili and Li Ruixin and Zhang Linkun and Zhao Xin and Sun Mingzhu, Automated Shear Adhesion Force Measurement of Batch-adherent Cell based on Balance Pressure in Micropipette, IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(21):25813 - 25823,2023第一作者 [5] Yaowei Liu#, Yujie Zhang,#, Maosheng Cui,#, Xiangfei Zhao, Mingzhu Sun, Xin Zhao*, A Cell’s Viscoelasticity Measurement Method Based on the Spheroidization Process of Non-Spherical Shaped Cell, Sensors, 21(16): 5561, 2021,第一作者
[6] Zuqi Wang, Xiangfei Zhao, Xin Zhao, Yaowei Liu*, Detection of oocyte nucleus motion based on mean drift algorithm, The 15th International FLINS Conference on Machine learning, Multi agent and Cyber physical systems, 2022.8.26-2022.8.28 (最佳学生论文、EI会议) 通讯作者 [7] Yaowei Liu, Maosheng Cui, Yidi Zhang, Xiangfei Zhao, Mingzhu Sun and Xin Zhao*, Oocyte Penetration Speed Optimization Based on Intracellular Strain, Micromachines, 13, 309, 2022,(中国微米纳米技术学会2021年学术年会优秀论文奖)第一作者 [8] Xiangfei Zhao#, Maosheng Cui#, Yidi Zhang, Yaowei Liu* and Xin Zhao, Robotic Precisely Oocyte Blind Enucleation Method, Applied Sciences. 2021, 11(4): 1850. 通讯作者 [9] Yidi Zhang, Xin Zhao, Yaowei Liu*, A visual detection method of cardiomyocyte relaxation and contraction, AIP Advances, 13, 025028, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0133456 通讯作者 [10] Chen Yizhe#, Liu Yaowei#, Zuo Xiaoying, Zhao Qili, Sun Mingzhu, Cui Maosheng, Zhao Xin, Du Yue. Identification of significant imaging features for sensing oocyte viability. Microscopy Research and Technique. 2022.10.6,10.1002/jemt.24248并列第一作者 [11] Yumeng Sun#, Yaowei Liu#, Qili Zhao, Mingzhu Sun, Xin Zhao*, Modeling and measuring intracellular displacement during cell penetration, Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 127(4): 044701. 并列第一作者 [12] Yaowei Liu#, Maosheng Cui#, Yumeng Sun, Zeyang Feng, Yunxiang Bai, Mingzhu Sun, Qili Zhao, and Xin Zhao, Oocyte orientation selection method based on the minimum strain position in the penetration process, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125(15): 154701第一作者 [13] Yaowei Liu, Maosheng Cui, Jingjing Huang, Mingzhu Sun, Xin Zhao and Qili Zhao*, Robotic Micropipette Aspiration for Multiple Cells, Micromachines, 2019, 10(5): 348第一作者 [14] 刘曜玮*,赵启立,赵新,孙明竹,基于微流道的批量机器人化体细胞核移植,2021全国信创与人工智能发展博士后学术论坛,三等奖论文
近期5年软著 1.卵母细胞遗传物质实时定位平台V1.0,登记号:2024SR0731241,888.3net新浦京游戏,2024.5.29
近期5年发表专著 1. 2020-2021微纳机器人科学与技术学科发展报告, 2022年11月,ISBN:978-7-5046-9877-3/TP·448,中国科学技术出版社 2. ROBOTICS FOR CELL MANIPULATION AND CHARACTERIZATION,2023年1月,ISBN:978-0-323-95213-2,Elsevier |