

Nankai University International E-Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


l 202111月16日(周二)19:00-20:00       zoom:937 4293 9209  密码:140534


报告题目:Cloud-Fog Automation for future robots: perspectives in functional safety

报告时间:2021年11月16日(周二)19:00p.m.~20:00p.m. (Beijing Time)

报告专家:庞智博 博士   

       瑞典 ABB 公司 高级首席科学家

       瑞典皇家理工学院 (KTH) 兼职教授


zoom会议ID:937 4293 9209  密码:140534

报告摘要:Pushed by the advancement of fog or edge computing and new generation wireless networks such as 5G and WiFi6, a new paradigm of automation system, the Cloud-Fog Automation is emerging. In the Cloud-Fog Automation, the higher-level automation applications such as ERP and MES will be deployed in public or private cloud infrastructure while the lower-level applications such as SCADA and PLC deployed in the fog infrastructure over deterministic wireless networks. Unprecedented machine intelligence and autonomy will be enabled by the powerful computing capacity and native support to artificial intelligence. Disruptive reduction of CAPEX as well as engineering barriers will be enabled by largely eliminating the purpose-specific hardware such as hardware PLC and expensive cabling. To realize this vision, major technical challenges in communication and computing need to be solved especially for latency, reliability, security, and functional safety. Given the limited time of this talk, I will address this topic mainly from the perspectives of functional safety.

专家简介:Dr. Zhibo Pang, MBA & PhD, is currently a Senior Principal Scientist on Industrial Communication at ABB Corporate Research Sweden, Adjunct Professor at the University of Sydney and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Co-Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Industrial Informatics, and Industrial Activity Committee Member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, and IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics. He was General Chair of the IEEE ES2017, General Co-Chair of the IEEE WFCS2021 and Invited Speaker at the Gordon Research Conference on Advanced Health Informatics (AHI2018). He was awarded the “2016 Inventor of the Year Award” and “2018 Inventor of the Year Award” by ABB Corporate Research Sweden. He has 70+ patent applications and 80+ journal papers in various technology areas related to industrial digitalization.